Know the Value of Your Jewelry AND Save That Value as a PDF

I continually am adding features to this web application SellMy.Jewelry. The goal is to create a platform where you, the consumer, can go to understand the value of your jewelry and diamonds. You can take that value wherever you want, but my goal is to buy your gold, diamonds, and jewelry. In line with creating a platform that can help you, I added a feature that allows you to download the quote as a PDF.
At first, the quote was just displayed on the webpage. The display was confusing with too many numbers and not enough direct information. Next, I improved the HTML for displaying the quote. You can now see how much your jewelry is worth and easily decipher what I will pay you for gold, diamonds, or platinum. Now, you can download the quote in PDF form.
PDFs are very ubiquitous across the Internet and computing in general. Having PDFs as an option in the web application allows you more portability with the quote. You can save now save the information you receive and share it easier.
Developing the PDF download feature was not easy. Information about jewelry can be sensitive, so quotes should be private and viewable to only those who submitted them. You can get your own jewelry appraisal.
PDFs, like the basic displayed quotes, are only viewable to the user who submitted them. Quotes can now be viewed as many times as the user wishes as long as it is from the same browser without being closed. This change means users do not have to resubmit information if they missed a detail or want to revisit some information. The quotes can also be viewed in both formats (HTML and PDF).
Building the PDF was not easy. Despite how common PDFs are, producing them on the fly requires an obscure language. Fortunately, programmers have build scripts that allow people like me to produce them using HTML and CSS, which are the basic languages of the web.
While I am happy with these improvements, there are still so many more.
Update: I removed this feature but am thinking about how to remake in the future.