Ready To Buy Your Old Jewelry Including Gold And Diamonds
I am refreshed, invite you to use our instant tool to sell your old jewelry, and am ready to help you sell your jewelry.
The Colorado mountains are beautiful, but I enjoyed escaping to a different wilderness area.

Vacations should reinvigorate and refresh. I just returned from a week of paddling, fishing, and camping in Quetico Provincial Park in Ontario, Canada doing just that. The trip was not a relaxing vacation. We paddled a 2-person canoe for about 6 hours over 4 days. After paddling, we fished, which typically involved more paddling. Then, camping involved more energy than normal.
Despite the work, it was a change. Quetico does not have cell phone reception and no power sources. I was disconnected, and it felt good to not worry about work or buying old jewelry from you. I was just focused on being in the park and enjoying the wilderness around me. Most of my days are spent looking at the computer, responding to inquiries, and evaluating and buying people’s old jewelry. This work, while enjoyable and constantly keeping me thinking, requires attention to minute details. Out in nature, I can forget those details and just enjoy the surroundings.
Here is a time lapse video taken from our last campsite. I am still learning to use the GoPro, so the video is not perfect. It still can give you an idea of what our evening movement was like. The time lapse starts after we caught a lake trout, which, I assure you, was a good size fish.
Now, I have returned and am back in the working mode. I am thinking of new features for SellMy.Jewelry to help make the instant quote experience easier, quicker, and more accessible.
I also thought about ways to connect the tool to more potential users. So many people have old jewelry to sell. To date, most users are interested in getting some extra cash for their gold. However, the tool has wider applications. Children dividing up estates should be among the primary users. Using the instant quote tool can help those children divide up their parents’ jewelry fairly (if intrinsic worth or value is the main concern).
My vacation also helped me prioritize what I need to do. Being an employee can be much easier as someone establishes the “to dos” for you. You can contribute but largely just completed the tasks set before you. Working on my own, I not only complete the to do list but also make it. Determining which tasks are most important and should be completed is very difficult. I spent so much time wondering and researching if a particular task will help me achieve an overall objective. Having a clearer mind and better idea of the objectives and tasks can help me build a better product for you. That is another nice result of a vacation.
Most importantly, I am now back in my Denver office and wanting to buy your old jewelry. Contact me to sell your jewelry, and I will offer you a fair price. Thank you!