Buying an Engagement Ring Resources


SellMy.Jewelry focuses on buying your jewelry; however, our tools can also be used for helping you get more value when buying jewelry and engagement rings.

Two important tools that we have build to help you get more value for your jewelry purchase are the instant quote feature as well as our in-depth white papers.

Two important tools that we have build to help you get more value for your jewelry purchase are the instant quote feature as well as our in-depth white papers.

I am at the age where a lot of my friends are buying jewelry and most specifically engagement rings. The purchase can be daunting; there are a lot of sellers out there each trying to prove their worth. Most of the products seem similar and look similar in pictures, but the prices vary wildly. Understanding those differences is time consuming and headache inducing.

The best option for buying an engagement ring is to understand the preferences of your significant other and purchase accordingly. However, you can still make smart purchases within the guidelines you receive. SellMy.Jewelry has two tools which should help you do that.

The instant quote feature can be a huge help. No other dealer on the Internet will provide a free and instant quote. We have spent extensive time developing the backend, and we back up that quote by actually buying jewelry in Denver, CO. I use the quote in my office everyday and update it weekly. This resource can help you understand specific details such as the resale value of the engagement ring. It can also help you understand broader concepts such as a ring with so many small diamonds is not worth as much as rings with one larger diamond all else equal.

Instant resale values can help. I also am in the publishing research on diamonds in my diamond market blog. These papers are meant to take a more in-depth look at the diamond market from a data-centric approach. The dataset I have on diamonds is an extensive panel. It consists of cross-sectional data detailing how diamonds compare to each other as well as time series data to demonstrate how diamond prices change over time. The amount of data, my ability in R, and experience with academic research in graduate school means I have tools to provide valuable and interesting insights about diamonds.

The white papers I write are meant to go beyond what most 4Cs educational guides on websites provide. If you need a basic education, the GIA is the best place to start. The dataset I have allows me to relate each “C” (color, clarity, carat-weight, and cut) back to price. Knowing how each “C” affects prices is extremely useful when comparing engagement rings or a new piece of jewelry. These resources for buying engagement rings are available for free as downloadable PDFs.

Unfortunately, these resources are limited. Currently, I have only published one. They take time to produce, and I try to recreate the research and graphs multiple times over months ensuring the research is at least reproducible. The one available now relates shape of a diamond to price. The next one, which is awaiting more data to valid a hypothesis I have, relates the important “C” (size) of a diamond to price.

written by Joseph Dolginow

September of 2018


value, research, diamond

